Credit Reporting

Popular credit reporting options

Are you looking for ways to build, monitor, or repair your credit? Let us help you find reliable credit reporting tools, credit building products, and other resources that can help you manage your credit profile.

Credit Reporting


CreditWorks Basic (see your Experian credit report and FICO® Score);

CreditWorks Premium (our most comprehensive credit and identity protection solution); and more.


Experian is one of the three major credit bureaus and offers a free credit reporting service, with additional benefits for premium users:

  • Monitoring your credit file can help you detect possible identity fraud sooner and prevent surprises when you apply for credit.
  • Control who can access your Experian Credit File. Easily lock your Credit File, keeping fraudsters and identity thieves away.
  • Secure your identity with Monitoring, Alerts and Dark Web Surveillance, Fraud Resolution and up to $1 Million ID Theft Insurance.

Credit Karma

Credit Reporting
Credit Monitoring
Product Recommendations


Credit Karma is a free credit reporting service that also offers its users a medley of unique benefits:

  • Access to your credit scores and reports from TransUnion and Equifax, with weekly updates.
  • Product recommendations that could help you save money.
  • Access to everything from financial calculators to educational articles, we’re here to help you better understand what credit is all about.
  • Thousands of member reviews on credit cards, loans and more – so you can make a more informed decision.

Credit Reporting
Credit Monitoring

Description helps you get your credit score and credit report for $1 for a 7-day trial period:

  • Stay up to date with UNLIMITED access to your latest TransUnion Credit Report
  • Monitoring of your TransUnion Credit Report with alert notifications when key changes occur. Credit monitoring can help you detect possible identity fraud sooner and prevent surprises when you apply for credit.
  • View positive and negative factors that impact your VantageScore®. Knowing these factors can help you address issues you may have with your credit.

Credit Building

Kikoff Credit Account

Build credit for only $2 per month


Kikoff is one of the most responsible and affordable ways to build credit — all without credit checks or high interest rates. Here’s how it works: Kikoff members pay a $2 monthly membership to access our credit building tools. There’s $0 additional fees and $0 interest. All members receive a Kikoff Credit Account which gets reported to the major credit bureaus every month. This account is specially designed to help you build credit by having very low credit utilization (5% or lower) and to build long-term payment history.

Self Credit Builder Account

Build or rebuild credit with low monthly payments


Self is a financial technology company with a mission to help people build credit, particularly those who are new to credit or who might not have access to traditional financial products. Right now, we do this by offering our Credit Builder Account, which is an installment loan that enables people to build positive payment history (if they make their monthly payment on time) while they save money for a rainy day. Here’s how it works: 

  1. Apply for a loan that’s held by our bank partners.

  2. Pay off the loan in 12-24 months.

  3. Each payment builds credit history and adds to your savings.. 

Credit Repair

Sky Blue Credit

Credit Disputes
Credit Repair
Credit Rebuilding


Sky Blue Credit identifies even the most subtle credit disputes – to leverage every opportunity to raise your scores. Their customized dispute and re-dispute letters are designed to make the process as effective as possible and their rapid 35-day dispute cycle is ten days faster than most companies. 

Identity & Credit Protection

Identity Guard

Identity Theft Protection
Credit Monitoring


Identity Guard is a proactive privacy and identity protection service that delivers premium solutions to help busy families and individuals take control of their personal and private information. Depending on the service level, our products involve a variety of features that monitor many data points to help detect fraud which may include credit monitoring, dark web monitoring, near real-time alerts, a proprietary predictive risks assessment, online protection and more.

  • We keep watch of your personal info, registered accounts, credit and more to detect fraudulent activity.
  • Receive an SMS or email if we detect activity like your personal info being leaked or someone using your credit to open accounts or loans.
  • Your US-based recovery specialist will help resolve any identity theft and financial fraud — saving you time and from stress.
  • Get $1,000,000 insurance for stolen funds. You’ll be insured for losses and expenses from identity theft – so you don’t need to worry.

Are you feeling better about your credit score?

Browse rewards credit cards and consider your next credit move.


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